Webster Technique: Chiropractic during Pregnancy

If you’re pregnant and your baby is breech, you may have been told by your OB or another mom to find a chiropractor that does the Webster Technique. You’re probably wondering what this is and why on earth you are being referred to a chiropractor. 

The Webster Technique is a chiropractic analysis and adjustment that focuses on the function of the sacrum, the triangle shaped bone at the bottom of your spine. Due to the many changes your body goes through during pregnancy, your sacrum and pelvis are more likely to become misaligned. When your sacrum is misaligned and not moving normally, this causes an imbalance in the muscles and ligaments of your pelvis, as well as the nerves that supply this area. These imbalances can cause dystocia, or difficult labor, by interfering with the nerves that supply the uterus, misaligning the pelvis, and causing tension in certain pelvic ligaments and muscles. With tension and imbalance in the pelvis, a baby will have a harder time getting in the best position for birth. 

Getting your spine checked by a chiropractor during pregnancy is great for both mom and baby! 

Benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy:
  • Pelvic Balance
  • Less Low Back Pain
  • Decreased Pelvic Pain
  • Better Fetal Positioning
  • Less Waddling Gait
  • Decreased Rib Pain
  • Improved Uterine Function
  • Sciatica Relief

I am certified in the Webster Technique through the International Chiropractic Pediatric Association (ICPA). To find a Webster Technique certified chiropractor or a member of the ICPA in your area, check out http://icpa4kids.org/Find-a-Chiropractor/ 

About the Webster Technique from the ICPA website

Autry Family Chiropractic
Wellness & Massage
5546 Boynton Drive Ringgold, GA 30736
Located at the intersection of Dietz Road, Boynton Drive, Reeds Bridge Road, and Burning Bush
Just off I-75 near Fort Oglethorpe, GA and Chattanooga, TN