Chiropractic + Kids

Our own children (ages 3 & 5) playing in the yard!

As our kids are getting bigger, my thankfulness for being able to adjust them is continually growing. What used to be small falls on their bottom while toddling around, has now become big falls on their head, their shoulder, or their hip from much higher things like ropes, swings, jungle gyms, and anything else they can find to climb up and jump off of! 

Correcting misalignments early on helps prevent chronic issues down the road. If you would like your kids checked for spinal or joint misalignments just for a wellness check or after a big fall or sports injury, bring them in! I would love to help! 

~ Dr. Selena

Autry Family Chiropractic
Wellness and Massage

Selena Autry, DC

Craig Autry, LMT

5546 Boynton Drive
Ringgold, GA 30736

(Intersection of Dietz Rd, Burning Bush, and Boynton Dr)
Just off Battlefield Pkwy and I-75 from Chattanooga.
