Ear Infections helped with Chiropractic Care

It's that time of year when ear infections are on the rise among little ones. Many people are experiencing colds, sinus congestion, and upper respiratory infections which often leads to ear infections for many children. You may have noticed that adults will have the same symptoms as kids but they very rarely have ear infections along with it.

Why is this?
The eustachian tubes of infants and children are shorter and less angled (more horizontal) than adults, which means fluid has more chance to sit in the middle ear if it can't drain properly. This stagnant fluid provides a perfect environment for bacteria and viruses to grow. The eustachian tube is the canal that attaches the middle ear to the nasopharynx, the area at the top of the throat and the back of the nasal cavity. One of it's main functions is to allow fluid to drain from the middle ear into the nasopharynx.

As the child grows older, their eustachian tubes will become longer and the angle will increase. By about 8 years old, the angle of a child's eustachian tube has increased to the same as an adult's. The length of their eustachian tube will change the most by 3-4 years old, and is about the same length as an adult's around ages 6-8.

This increase in the angle and length of a child's eustachian tube is why it is common to hear that a child will eventually "grow out of having ear infections". But, what do you do before they are old enough for these changes to take place and why do some kids have lots of ear infections and others have none?

There are many factors at play with repeated ear infections. A poor immune system and a diet consisting of a lot of processed foods, sugar, and dairy can increase the chances of ear infections and growth of bacteria and viruses. Another major contributor is misalignments in the top of the spine. When the bones in the upper part of the neck are out of alignment (or subluxated), fluid cannot drain from the middle ear to the nasopharynx as well as it should. Misalignment in this area causes muscle imbalance and restriction in movement. Good movement and equal muscle tone are necessary to help move fluid out of the ear and improve lymph drainage in the neck. Correcting the misalignments in the upper part of an infant or child's spine can allow proper drainage of fluid from the ears and the neck, which can help prevent and improve ear infections.

How would a child's spine become misaligned?
Spinal misalignments are very common in infants and children. A baby's spine can become misaligned from being stuck in a certain position while in-utero or from being pulled or turned during birth. Misalignments in their neck can also happen from being placed in the same position often while in swings, bouncers, and car seats; or if they are laid in the same position constantly for naps and bedtime. As babies learn to crawl, pull-up, and walk they are constantly falling on their bottom or even their heads; and it’s very likely that they will be dropped or fall off of something before their first birthday. As they get older, children are always falling or running into things while playing and if they play sports this is happening repeatedly. All these minor (or major) bumps and falls can cause your child's spine to become subluxated, or misaligned, and can affect the functioning of their nervous system and immune system, even if they seem fine after it happens.

How are spinal misalignments corrected?
A chiropractic adjustment corrects misalignment between vertebrae and restores motion to the area. With infants and children, an adjustment is very gentle without any forceful movements. Kids often really enjoy being adjusted and are happy to climb up on the table themselves. It only takes the pressure that you would use to test the ripeness of a tomato to correct misalignments in their spine. I will either use just a light sustained pressure with my fingertip or a tool called an Activator (or a "clicker" as kids like to call it) to adjust babies and children. There isn't the twisting, popping, and cracking that most people think of when they hear chiropractic.

If your child suffers from ear infections and you would like to have their spine checked to see if they need to be adjusted, you can contact us to set up a new patient appointment or schedule a free consultation to answer any questions you may have (consultations can be done in our office or by phone).

Autry Family Chiropractic
Wellness and Massage

Selena Autry, DC
Craig Autry, LMT

5546 Boynton Drive
Ringgold, GA 30736

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If you're reading this and aren't local to the Northwest Georgia or Chattanooga, TN areas you can find a Pediatric Chiropractor near you by searching for your zip code on the ICPA's website --> http://icpa4kids.org/Find-a-Chiropractor/ 

The above statistics are referenced from the following research article:

 2007 Jul;117(7):1251-4.Measurement of angle and length of the eustachian tube on computed tomography using the multiplanar reconstruction technique.Takasaki K1Takahashi HMiyamoto IYoshida HYamamoto-Fukuda TEnatsu KKumagami H.