Chiropractic for Shoulder Pain

Shoulder pain and stiffness is a problem most people will experience at some point in their lives. 

Did you know chiropractic may be able to help?

-Do you experience pain or stiffness when raising your arm?
-Are you unable to fully raise your arm?
-Do you have pain with daily activities like getting dressed,    brushing your hair, or reaching up for items on a shelf?

Things you do on a daily basis may be causing your shoulder pain or making it worse.

The following job-related activities can increase shoulder dysfunction:
  • Manual labor
  • Repetitively lifting or moving objects (especially the same direction)
  • Repetitive motions like sorting with side to side arm motions
  • Desk jobs 
    • Continually using a mouse
    • Moving papers or files the same direction frequently
    • Poor ergonomic setup of desk and computer
    • Long hours sitting at a computer

Shoulder pain is a common complaint among most adults. Most people will experience shoulder pain at some point and some experience shoulder pain and stiffness on a daily basis. If this sounds like you then don't wait any longer to stop your pain and improve your range of motion and ability to function.

How chiropractic can help:

It is common for the joints of the shoulder to become misaligned through daily repetitive activities, poor posture, lack of movement, or injury. A slight adjustment to the misaligned joint can improve pain, motion, and strength to the shoulder. Dr. Selena Autry works with extremities and frequently corrects misalignments of the shoulders, hips, knees, feet, elbows, and wrists. 

Stop living with shoulder pain! 
*Call to schedule your appointment today* 

Autry Family Chiropractic is conveniently located in Ringgold, GA just off Battlefield Parkway and Interstate 75. We are a short drive from anywhere in the surrounding Chattanooga, TN area. 

Dr. Selena Autry looks at chiropractic care with a patient-centered focus. She will care for your health with your individual needs and preferences in mind. 

We look forward to helping improve your health and quality of life!

*An examination will be performed prior to treatment to determine the cause of your shoulder dysfunction. Proper treatment or referral will be recommended based on your individual findings.